At the centre of the Mediterranean Sea
I.M.A. offers both short and long-term storage services of chemical liquids in its coastal warehouse near Trapani’s port. The warehouse allows for loading / unloading of vessels and trucks. The main product handled is ethanol. The storage capacity is 36.000 CBM divided in 26 stainless steel tanks.

storage capacity
loading/unloading rate
Meters SSW
Max draft
stainless steel

Il terminal è collegato direttamente alla banchina del porto tramite n° 2 pipelines che consentono il rapido carico / scarico delle navi con una velocità di 300 / mc / ora. L’accessibilità al porto è consentita a tutti i tipi di nave aventi un pescaggio di 7.5 metri SSW.
The terminal is directly connected to the port with 2 pipelines which allow for fast loading / unloading of vessels at a rate of 300m3/hour. All the vessels with a draught of 7.5 meters SSW can access the port.
Thanks to its strategic positioning at the Mediterranean Sea’s centre and to its year-long experience in logistic operations, I.M.A. is able to meet the needs of its clients by assuring both timely deliveries and safe storage of chemicals.
The warehouse is recognized by the Italian Minister of Navigation and it is regularly mentioned in the navigation maps.